Wednesday, September 17, 2008

PS3 Firmware Update 2.43

PS3 Update 2.43
PS3 Firmware Update 2.43
Just so everyone knows there is a brand new update, the PS3 firmware update v2.43 is not like other updates because this one is specifically for Japan.

PS3 users in Japan will be required to install the new PS3 Firmware Update 2.43, PS3 gamers in all other regions will not be asked to download the new update.

Get this though, does not matter what region you are from, you can manually initiate a firmware update by clicking on “System Update” under the XMB’s Settings icon, you will then see the v2.43 update. Personally if you are outside Japan we would say there is no need to perform an update especially if your system is already on v2.41 or later.

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