Tuesday, July 8, 2008

PS3 update 2.41

PS3 update 2.41 coming Wednesday - has Sony got it right this time?
Yet another firmware release for Sony's PlayStation 3 is expected in the next few days. According to gossip, the 2.41 update will overcome the problems with 2.40 that caused some PS3s to stop working, and will arrive in the middle of this week.
The recently released - though short-lived - 2.40 firmware for Sony's flagship games console allowed the in-game use of the XMB and provided support for trophies, the PS3's answer to Xbox 360 achievements.

2.40 was withdrawn shortly after its release on July 2 when it became clear that it effectively 'bricked' some consoles.

Not all PS3s were affected by the problems with 2.40, and it is not clear exactly where the root cause (or causes) of the issues lay as examples of all major configurations appear to have been hit by the bug(s).

Nor do we know how affected owners will be able to recover from the situation.

People with a working PS3 will probably be less keen than usual to be among the first to install the new update when it does appear. But that could lead to a chicken-and-egg situation.

It's likely that many people will take a conservative approach, and wait for plenty of reports of successful updates to 2.41. But in that case, there will be few potential sources for such reports.

One thing that could break the cycle is a definitive statement from Sony that its engineering staff have got to the bottom of the 2.40 problem, accompanied by a categorical assurance that 2.41 overcomes those issues.

Of course, there's always a risk that any update will lead to problems, but consoles have so few configurations compared with PCs that companies have little excuse for getting things wrong.

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