Wednesday, June 18, 2008

playstation 3 update 2.36

playstation 3 update 2.36
Sony PS3 Update 2.36: Playstation 3 getting ready for in-game XMB
Earlier this week, the guys over at PS3 daily informed us that rumours were surfacing that a new Playstation 3 firmware was imminent. It turns out that the speculation was true, as firmware v.2.36 has now been officially released and is available for download.

The current update is a minor one, only designed to improve system security and improve stability for a range of titles. More importantly though, it appears that firmware 2.40 is on the horizon and finally news that the Playstation 3 is getting ready for in-game XMB, a feature that many of you gamers out there have been waiting to get your hands on. It is unclear yet what stability issues have been fixed yet, as I know a lot of you have been having a few problems with bugs in GTA IV, and we are unaware yet, as to if this update has made any changes to MGS4, most notably interaction with the in-game iPod perhaps. Feel free to leave a comment if you have found any changes to your games as a result of this firmware update.

Also announced on the official PS3 blog, is the addition of ‘trophies’ which will be come on the 2.40 update. Little information is known on this but Sony have stated, “The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements.”

I can imagine these trophies to be some sort of award system as compared to the Xbox 360’s gamer points. It certainly does look very positive for the PS3 over the next few weeks, it will be interesting to find out just how the in-game XMB functions, and how smoothly it will interact with it’s games, stay tuned to find out more news on this

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